Geopark Village & Spa is a very special place to stay while enjoying the area of Lake Batur and Mount Batur trekking.

Geopark Village & Spa is nestled in a deep tropical forest setting villa decorated with vintage furnitures and antique architectures.
Some of the villa itself are priceless well preserved traditional Balinese houses from the village of Songan in the area of Lake Batur aged back to three hundreds years called ‘Sakaroras’ which means twelve pillars. The main house is actually made of twelve pillars.
Its actually more like a museum rather than a hotel.
The setting of the house is loaded with high Balinese culture philosophy and modest lifestyle.
Its very practical setting which is by surprise already exist long time ago in the deep Balinese society of Songan village.
The main house contained three main parts of the house which are kitchen where it located in the main entrance of the house. Meaning we have to be cleaned by the fire from bad spirits before entering the main house.
The second part is the rooms where the family are usually gathered spending time together and rest. This part of the house is divided into some rooms when the family have children.
The third part is upstairs where they store their crops and a small place for worship. Bathroom is located in the outside of the main building.
The house is built from solid wood, the wall is made of woven bamboo.
They are using the old Chinese coin as decoration on the wall.
There are no metals used in the building. There also a huge veranda at the end of the house. This part is added recently.
The original furniture is very unique and second to none. It is an old priceless huge bed that made from a solid wood. The bed is attached to the wall and the pillars altogether.
The beauty of the house is very difficult to express with the words.
In the lobby we can enjoy a set of leather puppets, a huge wooden sofa and some traditional Balinese paintings.
There are also common living room decorated with two sofas and pillows where the guests can relax to enjoy the atmosphere.
There also a hot swimming pool with couple of table sets. This place is perfect to enjoy afternoon tea.
Traditional massage is available too.
The hut style of the villa is actually make this place very discreet for the guests and perfect for honeymoon. Every part of the villa is separated by wooden carved decorated doors make it like we enter different places every time we go out from our own room.
Above all as the name of the place, the Geopark Village and Spa is located in the foothill of Mount Batur and the starting point of Sunrise Batur trekking.
The place is included in the Geopark Batur area. And its also only a stone throw from the Batur lake. We can enjoy the view of Lake Batur from the swimming pool in the villa.
Visitors of the villa can go to take a short walk enjoy the village life of Songan. We can enjoy the sunrise just outside the villa or by the pool.
Visitors also have the chance to see the farmers working on their fields just accross the street a few step from the villa.
The service is good, breakfast include for reasonable price. Side road parking, no wheelchair access.
Recommended for those who love vintage stuffs, traditional Balinese culture and tropical garden.
A beautiful place rich with history!!

Mia Anselmi